Whitehouse Prep provides music classes geared toward each specific age group.
Children learn music in much the same way they learn language. Infants and toddlers do not learn to speak through formal discussions about adjectives or through exercises in labeling subjects and predicates. Instead, children learn the “rules” of language informally long before learning the formal rules of grammar.

Our Music Classes

Little Notes Preschool Music Classes
The focus is primarily on developing listening skills, but the children are always encouraged to join in making music to any extent they are comfortable.
- Children practice keeping a steady beat at various tempos.
- Children explore musical opposites: loud/soft, high/low, short/long, fast/slow.
- Children experiment with using their voices in a variety of ways: speaking, singing, whispering, and shouting.
- Children expand their musical vocabularies through listening and responding to music in a variety of meters and tonalities.

Little Notes KI Music Classes
In this class, children continue to build upon all the foundational skills introduced in preschool.
- Children further develop their vocal ability, practice singing in tune, and gain confidence in solo singing.
- Children learn multicultural songs and rhymes in a variety of meters and tonalities.
- Children expand their listening skills through imitating rhythm and tonal patterns.
- Children use creative movement to reflect tempo, dynamics, melodic contour, and the form of pieces of music.
- Children practice creating and imitating beat movements.